cerning the menace to modern civilization through the abuse new argument for temperance. Differences of opinion con- nearly 50 per cent, of crime is referred to intemperance as Indeed, it is not impossible that a mere statement of the a single form of legislation as redemptive a somewhat im- one cause, and in 31 per cent, it appears as a first cause. judicious application of law as a means rather than an end, controversies which divide the advocates of temperance, and and will suggest a cautious opportunism which adapts meth- of alcoholic drinks. The truth on the subject is so grave facts concerning the drink-habit, as that social peril presents moting real temperance," may be to minds trained to regard Facts so prodigious as these should silence the sectarian potent conclusion ; but this apparently negative conclusion and portentous that it needs no exhortation to carry an ap- servers, may of itself carry to some minds the force of a will to ether minds open the way to a more tolerant and legislation has been more successful than another in pro- itself to a considerable number of reasonably impartial ob- tical agreement of all thoughtful students of society con- ods of law to variations in local condition, racial tendency, peal to the conscience and the will According to the and density of population. Economic Sub- Committee, 25 per cent, of the poverty of the should summon all intelligent citizens to the realization of cerning methods of reform should not obscure the prac- United States may be traced directly or indirectly to liquor;