07 Dec

psychical on the physical, and dealt mostly with the chic effect of food and drink. But he has addressed verse and that which seemed to them akin to it, the the argument that the inclination to acquire it in some form ing. lower psychical activities. But there is a deeper mean- published in Physiological Aspects of the Liquor Prob- duced the framers of our language to apply that word from Prof. Lafayette B. Mendel, of Yiale University, gether! The very words suggest them. What in- which signified to them the great essence of the uni- Did they not perceive the kinship between them? peoples. One needs only to ask: Must our machine, then, himself largely to the immediate influence of the most moderate enjoyment of the aforementioned stimulus enters the human body? Why did they call it spirit? (alcoholic drink). One does not need to have recourse to or other is really the expression of an inextinguishible hu- 37 lem, the following passage from O. Funke : The Growler has had something to say of the psy- essence of man, also to the essence that sleeps in the man instinct which has made itself felt in all ages and by all It is foolish and unjustifiable to put a stop to even the This reflection was suggested by reading in a letter grape and the barley-corn and leaps into life when it The Rule of "Not Too Much:'

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