07 Dec

increase in population had something to do with the uous liquors, such as brandy, whisky and wine, and a tend- Temperance Sentiment, says Anti- ance. Even some of the Mark Tapleys of the Anti- Said Supt. Williamson of the Anti-Saloon League in or banished is steadily on the increase. I do* not think that There is a steady decrease in the consumption of spirit- 61 iness daily in various parts of this and other states. Tem- ency to drink more malt liquors, such as beer. The decrease matter, he said : Saloon League agree with this sentiment, nolens volens. Increase in Beer Consumption Consistent with The brewers are not alone in the belief that the there is any cause for worry even if the beer consumption the other. Then, after intimating that immigration and the Saloon League. increase in beer consumption implies greater temper- perance legislation is being passed by every state, and every The Rule of "Not Too Much." grip on the people. Saloons by dozens are going out of bus- has jumped in the past year." "Never before has temperance sentiment had such a strong Cleveland, according to the Plain-Dealer: year the sentiment that the liquor traffic must be curtailed is doubtless as marked in the one as is the increase in

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