tains a lengthy contribution on the Pharmalogical Ac- an honest intention to discover the truth, but there are gentlemen who made the investigations for the so- The Use of Alcoholic Drink in Connection with alcoholist papers take some of my stuff and treat it Bowditch, R. H. Chittenden and W. H. Welch, con- (October i, 1906.) seriously when the satire was so plain that, as they It is peculiar to notice how difficult it is even for used to say, if it had been a snake it would have bitten Liquor Problem, edited by Dr. John S. Billings and holists. engendered by the misrepresentations of the anti-alco- numerous instances in which it crops out plainly that containing investigations by and under the direction called Committee of Fifty approached the subject with supposedly disinterested inquirers into the drink ques- The volume on the Physiological Aspects of the Overfeeding and Drink. perfectly open minds. The Growler believes that the Over-feeding. they still remain to a certain extent under the in- fluence of that hostile attitude of mind which has been vailing prejudice and to approach the problem with you. tion to disencumber themselves completely of the pre- of such eminent scientists as W. O. Atwater, H. P.