aimed to place liquor in interstate commerce under cent and more. People will get a bottle of whisky more eas- teen. dialogue ensued: After Mrs. Richter got through the following the disgusting results that followed the abolition of the can- on Tuesdays was so much larger. And the statistics of our the jurisdiction of a state as soon as it entered that police record showed that crimes were lessened through the calendar being larger on Tuesday morning than on Monday enforced ? Richter said in regard to conditions in St. Louis : Monday docket, but they did not explain why the docket closed Sunday. We see the glaring effects of prohibition in It has been represented that a convenient or subservient In the course of the address to the Committee, Mrs. the conditions that prevail in the prohibition States and in hospitals show an increase of .cases of alcoholism by 100 per during the hearing on the so called Hepburn bill which Mr. Alexander : Madam, you spoke of the police court Mrs. Richter: They are held for the chief on Mondays Mr. Alexander : Why is that ? enforcement of the Sunday law. They indicated a smaller state and before delivery to the consignee. Mrs. Richter: Yes, sir. ily than a can of beer. Yet this is only the result of the morning, now that the Sunday-closing law in St. Louis is