07 Dec

in the matter of Sunday observance. From his speech victions of the people on this subject. This has no ref- one day of the week. ought not to interfere. of the people of this state on the subject of Sunday ob- crime, but there is great difference between the non-en- erence to the enforcement of so-called blue laws, but refers strongly opposed a bill to give Chicago home rule Do I suppose that failure to legalize Sunday saloons would servance. There is no man in this legislature who can Lieutenant Governor Sherman in the Illinois Senate are some occupations which cannot be permitted on at least ter for the municipality to decide and that the state result in the closing of dramshops on the Sabbath? No, I on this subject, as reported in the daily papers, the following two paragraphs, which appeared in the order vote for the Sunday opening of saloons without violating have no such expectations. There will be saloons open laws and still there is gambling. Laws do not prevent alien birth, who can tamper with the conscientious scruples given, are here reproduced : merely to the belief of a majority of the people that there forcement of a law and its repeal. There is not a man in this legislature, native born or of the inheritance which he had from his mother. There is somewhere every day in the week. We have anti-gambling no man in this legislature who can tamper with the con-

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