the Denlow home May 21, at about 5 130 p. m., and after in the door yard of the Denlow home, 40 Webster avenue. Oswald, 59 Perry street. This woman, it is said, came to on by the wounds from the brick. Following the notifica- in thousands of newspaper items, sermons, public Clybourn avenues and get her a pail of beer. Elma Denlow, 15 years old, was arrested today following was held this afternoon to place responsibility for it. Here is a case in point. The following item appear- chatting awhile, suggested that Elma go to Webster and According to the story told by the girl, the trouble grew The Rule of "Not Too Much." the death of her mother, which occurred after a brick is the continual, daily tap, tap, tap of the tackhammer ed in the Chicago Daily News of May 29, 1907 : tion of the coroner regarding the woman's death an inquest Girl is Arrested Follozving Mother's Death from Brick. DISPUTE OVER BEER COSTS LIFE. is not the occasional sledge-hammer blow that tells. It thrown by the girl had struck the woman in the head. The 83 another woman. girl says the affair was an accident. The brick was thrown According to the girl's statement the missile was meant for out of her refusal to "rush the can" for a neighbor, a Mrs. Mrs. Denlow died from tetanus, said to have been brought speeches, private conversations, etc.