used in moderate quantities, harmless drink for refreshment In the United States there also is a drift away from strong which he sets down not as harmless if used in moder- good is an occasional editorial or a magazine article as in the year in all the newspapers of the country ! What which has been marked in many countries during the last come the national drink, thus reducing the field for absinthe. Simply because public opinion has been so com- England's example in relying upon this invigorating and, Why does it suggest itself to the editorial writer to and stimulant. * * * This is from an editorial article in the Providence same tendency is to be noted in this country at least. The The increase in the use of the less harmful stimulants, liquors to malt beverages. In more temperate beverages the (R. I.) Bulletin. Another illustration. ation, but only as one of the "less harmful stimulants ?" enormous rate. It is fortunate that the nation is following use of British colonial grown tea is yearly increasing at an add the qualifying words "used in moderate quanti- against that constant hammering? ties," when speaking of tea as harmless, while he 84 few years, tends toward morality. In France beer has be- Public Opinion Misled. never thinks of applying the same qualification to beer,