07 Dec

most baneful of all evils. It leads inevitably to persecution 113 where he recognizes the right of other people to their opin- The time has come in this twentieth century when men of ing of beer would be permitted. There should also be music revolves around that one thing. That is the fanatic's happen to have come to hand within a week or so. taken up with one idea as to believe the whole world the brewing trade and of temperance, and become so It is true, -the above quotations contain nothing way of thinking, and is precisely the fault of the anti- things, ought to avoid. the sake of merely drinking beer, but places where the serv- ions, even though they differ from his own, he has made a and feelings of malice. When a man has reached the point In discussing Sabbath observance, the Omaha They are here shown because it is well to stop once whatever that is new to the student of the drink prob- World-Herald says : The above utterances represent only some things that in a while and look at the reverse side of the picture. We ought not to follow the example of the enemies of big start toward his own salvation. alcoholists, which we, who stand for temperance in all and other amusements of the proper kind. The Rule of "Not Too Much." enlightenment must admit that intolerance is one of the

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