pseudo-science and their "pipe dreams" regarding pected to be. And yet I have a sneaking notion he did who, he says, "is as a mile-post, perpetually telling not expect it would be quite so bad. He never before are. We realize our helplessness. We feel constantly Kentucky and one worshipped for many years by all When Brother Watterson gets riled, he even calls get a word in edgewise. teries of the anti-alcoholists. We who have had the the north. Brother Watterson is being soundly rated realized what it meant to be exposed to the mud bat- benefit of these mud baths for years know what they how the anti-alcoholists are all the time filling the certain amount of meanness in him, and I suppose it whom they charge with controlling the press, never tion. Brother Watterson, however, is a fighter. He Watterson's sojourn in hot water. Everybody has a newspapers of the country with their fake news, their other people the way, yet never arriving there itself." by the anti-alcoholist speakers and writers, as he ex- I confess to a certain mild satisfaction at Brother calls the "moral yardstick" of these Pecksniffs, or to is my meanness that gives me the joy over his situa- answers back. He refuses to be measured by what he social and economic conditions, while the brewers, take his instructions from the "professional moralist" true southerners and admired by numerous friends in