New York, was recently quoted as saying: My experience and observations lead me to attach less defective to begin with, and his nervous unsoundness with a sweet smile : "Thank you, sir ; thank you !" tent the result of any habit of the individual concerned may take many different forms. In an interview in a fact that sanity is the rule and insanity is the exception of drink, drunkenness, alcoholism, is to a very small ex- so-called exciting causes, or what I've characterized as the ance to the predisposing causes. Substantially every individ- 116 life. Only those who are endowed with unstable mental stood by alienists that excess in the use of alcoholic London Dr. Carlos F. MacDonald, a noted alienist of causes, hence the great underlying cause of all these forms Excess in the Use of Alcoholic Drink is a Symptom and nervous organization, whether inherited or acquired, suc- of a Defective Nature, Not a Cause of it. cumb to mental disease under the influence of these exciting It is time publicly to recognize the fact well under- in the use of alcoholic beverages. The drunkard is a importance to so-called exciting causes and greater import- Expression of Defectiveness. of insanity, to my mind, is heredity. four causes wine, women, worry and work and yet it is ual during the most active stage of his life, the stage at which insanity is most frequent, is almost daily exposed to