07 Dec

beauties of close companionship with his fellows? gle for wealth or economic efficiency the great watch- Inhumanity and Immorality of the Anti-Alcoholist And what can be more immoral than to strip life of dreamer live forever, and the toiler die in a day?" all that is good and beautiful comes back upon him ists are "inhuman!" ideals, to follow his day dreams? Does not "the his heart in the bosom of his family, or, if he is not What can be more inhuman than to destroy what Whence is he to get the inspiration for a moral life Yes, yes ! So they are, most emphatically. but from his ideals, from the times when, as Henry up in the icy flood of the struggle for bread and out of the dreariness of everyday life, out of the strug- and warms up the soul which is being slowly frozen Proposition. life by the indulgence in a glass of beer, warming up longer one-and-twenty," when the fervor of youth for little comfort and joy the workingman can extract from fortunate enough to have one, unfolding to him the Watterson said, he "forgets for a time that he is no Air. Henrich says the proposals of the anti-alcohol- word of the "antis" and permits him to indulge his mind and the soul ! that which adorns it, that which raises man for a time He also says they are "immoral."

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