07 Dec

once, but to keep your house clean forever after. It is true and that is one of the criticisms of this The Rule of "Not Too Much." ceeding in this way the brewers are doing what the an important element will be not only to clean up time ago, a dry goods dealer should refuse to sell assuming a responsibility far beyond that of other business men, as if, for instance, as I showed some would they do it, if the police or other officials were public prosecutors or the police ought to do. But, has about lost faith in their sincerity in that regard, 123 to bad uses after he has sold them, nevertheless, it is are negligent, who gets the blame? The brewer! It the half-world. But the brewer occupies an exceptional gation on his part to see that his goods are not put hope it is not too late to effect a real clean-up and to goods to a dressmaker who made clothes for ladies of is going beyond the limits of ordinary business and business clean. not remiss in their duty? And if the public officials they set about to show their earnestness. Well, let us really a matter of self-protection to keep the retail position, and while there is, perhaps, no moral obli- convince the public that they mean business. And, course of action on the part of brewers that by pro- the disorderly retail stands, and now that the public

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