in drink for the benefit of his poor black brother ! Well, the South shall lie on the bed of its own and wholesome features. in the Rockford (111.) Star of December 8, 1907: realize that the dramshop has produced no good and that the problem, but only with some of the negative ones, but by bringing out the usefulness and wholesomeness The Usefulness and Wholesomeness of Alcoholic been said in the daily papers during the past month of the temperate use of beer. Although much has making. Already travelers tell us, the cocaine habit and popularly backed agitation to put the saloon out of not in the sense of apologizing for a necessary evil, practice, but nowhere recognize its necessary, useful is spreading alarmingly among the negroes, as it has Evidence continues to multiply that it is necessary Drink Must be Shown to the Public. Here is a characteristic utterance from an editorial they deal with the use of liquor as an ineradicable general tone of the editorial remarks shows that the in commendation of the stand taken by the brewers What then is the definition of this thoroughly organized in favor of cleaning up the retail business, still the for the brewers to take up the defense of their business writers are not familiar with the positive aspects of done in all prohibition states and districts. business? Is it not that the great masses have come to