07 Dec

brewers, with their bulky and perishable goods, must main- one been able to make the "liquor interests" stand together dox. But the manufacturers and distributers of spirits, mak- which contains not more than two or three statements interest. Brewer and distiller are shoulder to shoulder to clusions is reduced so far that it can be sifted out it is that are out of harmony with the facts or conclusions with the lighter and less harmful form of alcoholic bever- hurt their business, notwithstanding the fact that Internal ones who ship their beer far away. As the brewers deal ages this bad leadership or influence bears the look of para- ing an imperishable and comparatively concentrated product, dispute to open territory left to them. The brewers are especially active, and the brewers, among the larger inter- ican saloon ; the small, local brewers ; that is, not the big that are out of the bounds of reason. When the liquors in 1907 over 19x36, brewers, distillers and wholesale tain close touch. This contact with their customers, to- possible and proper to discuss the matter. Here is ests, are mainly responsible for the degradation of the Amer- on anything, but common danger has brought about common Notwithstanding their protest that prohibition does not liquor dealers are girding their loins. Never before has any revenue figures show increased sales of malt and spirituous are in only distant touch with the saloon-keepers ; while the the editorial in question : amount of erroneous statements and unwarranted con-

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