desire for knowledge. A member of a state legislature liquor traffic, except the Federal tax laws and they drinking, others favor privacy. Some shorten the encourage the bottle as against the schooner. what can be hoped of legislation ? Before we can have do the real students of it, among whom there is little hours and thus promote concentrated drinking of con- lation is Enacted. While this chaos of laws and of opinion prevails, hysterical, slam-bang legislation without knowledge of studying before they can view the drink question as rational legislation we must have study. No law was ever passed in the United States in regard to the tables in bar-rooms, thus hindering the rational de- once said to me: "We do not deal with the liquor Study the Drink Question. The Drink Question Must be Studied Before Legis- the facts and, for the most part, without even any velopment of temperance. Some favor publicity of were proposed by the brewers themselves that was develop. Some states and cities prohibit chairs and based on exhaustive study. It has all been hap-hazard, traffic in the scientific way you do. We simply go on centrated beverages. Some enforce secrecy and thus dispute as to the tendencies which it is desirable to 148 papers and magazines, will have to do a great deal of