07 Dec

ciety. And to accomplish this, all that is necessary is far-reaching policy of enlightening the public mind, of at large. The Committee of Fifty for the Investigation of the Liquor The Committee of Fifty. 156 ica to formulate at the beginning of the New Year and of its intention. APPENDIX. of the second century of the organized temperance what the Growler wishes the brewing trade of Amer- The second resolution for the New Year should be Spread the Truth. "This Committee, made up of persons representing differ- Problem was organized in 1893. Following is a declaration problem as will conform with science, with morals, 157 dice now existing against his business, with the ultim- spreading the truth among the masses and among those movement. who form public opinion, of breaking down the preju- with economics, with the highest ideals of human so- to carry the truth which he knows, among the people able. to enter upon a vigorous, comprehensive, sagacious and ate purpose of securing such dealing with the liquor These two resolutions, steadfastly adhered to, are

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