privy-chamber.] [Footnote 112: Learned Faustus, "------ begins with Lechery. recommended by Mr. Collier in his Preface to COLERIDGE'S SEVEN of THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS,--"How Doctor Faustus was carried LUCIFER. Away to hell, away! On, piper! [Exeunt the SINS. to the infernal regions, Sig. D 2, ed. 1648.] lines belong to the Chorus would be evident enough, even if we [Footnote 108: L.-- All the 4tos "Lechery."--Here I have made the alteration the corresponding passage is as follows; [Footnote 109: Away, to hell, to hell-- In 4to 1604, these words stand [Footnote 114: Trier-- i.e. Treves or Triers.] OF DR. FAUSTUS; "He came from Paris to Mentz, where the river FAUSTUS, we have a particular account of Faustus's visit To know the secrets of astronomy, &c.-- See the 21st chapter and how the sky and planets ruled," &c.] through the ayre up to the heavens, to see the whole world, [Footnote 115: From Paris next, &c.-- This description is from THE HISTORY had no assistance here from the later 4tos.--The parts of Wagner [Footnote 113: Enter FAUSTUS and MEPHISTOPHILIS-- Scene, the Pope's on a line by themselves, without a prefix. (In the later 4tos, [Footnote 110: I will send for thee at midnight-- In THE HISTORY OF DR. FAUSTUS. O, how this sight doth delight my soul!" &c.)] LECTURES ON SHAKESPEARE AND MILTON, p. cviii.] [Footnote 111: Enter CHORUS-- Old ed. "Enter WAGNER solus." That these and of the Chorus were most probably played by the same actor: and hence the error.]