In honour of the Pope's triumphant victory. We view'd the face of heaven, of earth, and hell; There did we view the kingdoms of the world, Of ever-burning Phlegethon, I swear May be admir'd thorough [112] the furthest land. That I do long to see the [109] monuments That Faustus' name, whilst [111] this bright frame doth stand, And thou shalt see them come immediately. Come, therefore, let's away. This day, is held through Rome and Italy, With all things that delight the heart of man: So high our dragons soar'd into the air, MEPHIST. 'Tis well said, Faustus. Come, then, stand by me, FAUSTUS. Sweet Mephistophilis, thou pleasest me. No bigger than my hand in quantity; And take some part of holy Peter's feast, Whilst I am here on earth, let me be cloy'd And grant me my [113] request, and then I go. The which, in state and [110] high solemnity, And what might please mine eye I there beheld. Thou know'st, within the compass of eight days And situation of bright-splendent Rome: That, looking down, the earth appear'd to me MEPHIST. Nay, stay, my Faustus: I know you'd see the Pope, FAUSTUS. Nay, stay, my gentle Mephistophilis, I'll spend in pleasure and in dalliance, My four-and-twenty years of liberty