07 Dec

But now, that Faustus may delight his mind, That we may solemnize Saint Peter's feast, And with Lord Raymond, King of Hungary, And charm thee with this magic wand. Invisible to all are here: MEPHIST. Faustus, thou shalt: then kneel down presently, Hell, and the Furies' forked hair, Whilst on thy head I lay my hand, FAUSTUS. The Pope will curse them for their sloth to-day, And by their folly make some merriment, Sweet Mephistophilis, so charm me here, Pluto's blue fire, and Hecat's tree, Drink to our late and happy victory. A Sennet [127] while the banquet is brought in; and then enter And do whate'er I please, unseen of any. POPE. Go presently and bring a banquet forth, And on a proud-pac'd steed, as swift as thought, Flies o'er the Alps to fruitful Germany, The sleepy Cardinals are hard at hand, That I may walk invisible to all, To censure Bruno, that is posted hence, FAUSTUS and MEPHISTOPHILIS in their own shapes. That slept both Bruno and his crown away. MEPHIST. Now, Faustus, come, prepare thyself for mirth: The planets seven, the gloomy air, There to salute the woful Emperor. First, wear this girdle; then appear

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