Enter MEPHISTOPHILIS. From Constantinople have they brought me now, ROBIN. O, brave! an ape! I pray, sir, let me have the carrying Only for pleasure of these damned slaves. Enter MARTINO and FREDERICK at several doors. [Exeunt ROBIN and DICK.] ROBIN. By lady, [143] sir, you have had a shrewd journey of it! MEPHIST. To purge the rashness of this cursed deed, of him about, to shew some tricks. [Exit VINTNER.] First, be thou turned to this ugly shape, I promise you. I'll wing myself, and forthwith fly amain(sic) For apish deeds transformed to an ape. porridge-pots, for I'll into the kitchen presently.--Come, Dick, ROBIN. A dog! that's excellent: let the maids look well to their Unto my Faustus, to the Great Turk's court. MEPHIST. And so thou shalt: be thou transformed to a dog, and come. and a tester [145] in your purse, and go back again? will it please you to [144] take a shoulder of mutton to supper, How am I vexed by these villains' charms! carry him upon thy back. Away! be gone! MEPHIST. You princely legions of infernal rule, [Exit.] MEPHIST. Now with the flames of ever-burning fire DICK. Ay, I pray you heartily, sir; for we called you but in jest,