BENVOLIO. Speak well of ye! 'sblood, an scholars be such [MEPHISTOPHILIS removes the horns]:--and hereafter, sir, [172] EMPEROR. Come, Faustus: while the Emperor lives, From this attempt against the conjurer. [175] content to remove his horns. [171]--Mephistophilis, transform him FAUSTUS. My gracious lord, not so much for injury done to me, EMPEROR. Then, good Master Doctor, MARTINO. Nay, sweet Benvolio, let us sway [174] thy thoughts an I be not revenged for this, would I might be turned to a order, I'll ne'er trust smooth faces and small ruffs more.--But, He has [170] done penance now sufficiently. as to delight your majesty with some mirth, hath Faustus justly Enter BENVOLIO, MARTINO, FREDERICK, and SOLDIERS. gaping oyster, and drink nothing but salt water! [Exeunt.] requited this injurious knight; which being all I desire, I am Ho, Belimoth, Argiron, Asteroth! [169] In recompense of this thy high desert, look you speak well of scholars. I think, anon.--Good my lord, entreat for me.--'Sblood, I am never [Aside, and then exit above.] able to endure these torments. Thou shalt command the state of Germany, BENVOLIO. Hold, hold!--Zounds, he'll raise up a kennel of devils, And live belov'd of mighty Carolus. cuckold-makers, to clap horns of [173] honest men's heads o' this Let me entreat you to remove his horns;