FAUSTUS. What's here? an ambush to betray my life! dirt; all having horns on their heads. To shield me from your hated treachery! Your heads are all set with horns. BENVOLIO. Here.--What, Frederick, ho! For, lo, these [193] trees remove at my command, Behold, an army comes incontinent! FAUSTUS strikes the door, [194] and enter a DEVIL playing their heads and faces bloody, and besmeared with mud and Through which the Furies dragg'd me by the heels. MARTINO. Dear Frederick, here, BENVOLIO. Defend me, heaven! shall I be haunted still? with weapons; MEPHISTOPHILIS with fire-works. They set upon FREDERICK. Martino, see, Benvolio's horns again! MARTINO. Nay, fear not, man; we have no power to kill. And stand as bulwarks 'twixt yourselves and me, SECOND SOLDIER. See, where he comes! despatch and kill the slave. Yet, to encounter this your weak attempt, the SOLDIERS, drive them out, and exeunt. MARTINO. O, misery!--How now, Benvolio! Then, Faustus, try thy skill.--Base peasants, stand! BENVOLIO. My friends transformed thus! O, hellish spite! FREDERICK. O, help me, gentle friend!--Where is Martino? on a drum; after him another, bearing an ensign; and divers Enter, at several doors, BENVOLIO, FREDERICK, and MARTINO, Half smother'd in a lake of mud and dirt, MARTINO. What, ho, Benvolio!