07 Dec

[Footnote 40: again: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--Not in 4to 1616.] [Footnote 30: Mephistophilis Dragon, quod tumeraris: See note *, p. 83. [Footnote 42: vestigiis nostris: Old eds. "vestigias nostras."] Mephistophilis, per Dragon (or Dagon) quod NUMEN EST AERIS."" ] [Footnote 38: Sirrah: So 4to 1616.--Not in 4tos 1624, 1631.] [Footnote 34: accidens: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--2to 1616 "accident."] [Footnote 37: thorough: So 4to 1631.--2tos 1616, 1624, "through."] [Footnote 39: save: So 4tos 1616, 1624.--2to 1631 "spare."] Note *, from p. 83. (Doctor Faustus, from the quarto of 1604): "surgat Mephistophilis, quod tumeraris: The later 4tos have [Footnote 43: backward: So 4to 1616 (and so 4to 1604).--2tos 1624, 1631, [Footnote 32: came hither: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--2to 1616 "came NOW hether."] 4 deuils, Faustus to them with this speech,"--wrongly.] [Footnote 35: fell: So 4to 1604.--The later 4tos "liue."] corruption here, which seems to defy emendation. For "quod (rejecting the word "Dragon") "quod TU MANDARES" (the TUMERARIS," Mr. J. Crossley, of Manchester, would read appareat et surgat"): but the "tu" does not agree with the [Footnote 31: dicatus: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--2to 1616 "dicatis."] [Footnote 36: strike: So 4to 1631.--2tos 1616, 1624, "strikes."] construction being "quod tu mandares ut Mephistophilis preceding "vos."--The Revd. J. Mitford proposes "surgat [Footnote 28: her: So 4to 1616.--2tos 1624, 1631, "his."] "surgat Mephistophilis DRAGON, quod tumeraris."--There is a [Footnote 33: speeches: So 4to 1604.--Not in the later 4tos.] [Footnote 41: or: Old eds. "for."] [Footnote 29: erring: So 4tos 1624, 1631.--2to 1616 "euening."]

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